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The Biggest Financial Contributors to the WHO

This article is published in collaboration with Statista

by Katharina Buchholz

Which countries actually contribute the most financially to the WHO? While there also voluntary payments, our chart looks at assessed contributions, which is something like a membership fee and is calculated relative to wealth and population of a country.

Under the Trump administration, WHO funding from the U.S. was slashed, but nevertheless remained the highest in the world. During the Covid-19 pandemic, then-President Donald Trump also withheld money from the organization while accusing it of being too "China-friendly". In 2022, the regular contribution out of the U.S. has shrunk once more to around $109 million. China is paying in the second highest sum at an unchanged $57.4 million. Japan is in third place with $41.0 million. The total sum of assessed contributions due to be paid by all member states this year stood at approximately $482 million.

As of June 24, 2022, the United States' assessed contribution for 2022 was still listed as unpaid on the WHO website.

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