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The Most Sold Fair Trade Products in the World

This article is published in collaboration with Statista

by Anna Fleck

Despite the fact that in the food and FMCG markets as a whole, fair trade products still make up only a small part of all products sold, fair trade has been making inroads into segments like flowers, bananas, chocolate or coffee (at least in European or U.S. markets) and labels certifying fair trade practices are recognizable to many consumers.

More than 730,000 metric tons of fair-trade bananas were sold worldwide in 2022, followed by more than 232,000 tons of cocoa beans and 231,000 tons of coffee beans. At the same time, more than 952 million units of fair-trade flowers were sold, making them the biggest product in the market, when comparing one unit of flowers (i.e. a bunch or box) to one kg of cocoa, coffee or bananas.

Together with cane sugar, cotton lint and tea, the products mentioned in this chart are those produced by around 90 percent of all fair-trade producers, according to the World Fair Trade Organization

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