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The U.S. States Closest To Full Vaccination

This article is published in collaboration with Statista

by Katharina Buchholz

The United States was quick off the blocks in its vaccination campaign but its pace has now slackened considerably. Earlier in the year, the world looked on with envy as the U.S. got jabs into arms at lighting speed but by early August, it had only managed to fully vaccinate around 50 percent of its population. Many of the countries that looked on with envy back in February and March have now surpassed the U.S. in term of full vaccinations and the list includes Germany (54 percent), Spain (60 percent) and Canada (62 percent), according to Our World in Data.

The current level of vaccination in the U.S. is not high enough to stop the spread of the highly infectious Delta variant of COVID-19. Almost all states have seen their case count grow over the past two weeks, eleven of them significantly. Among the latter group are Alabama, which has the lowest rate of full vaccination in the U.S. at just 34.9 percent, as well as Mississippi (35.17 percent) and Wyoming (36.99 percent). At the opposite end of the U.S. vaccination league, Vermont has the highest share of fully vaccinated inhabitants at almost 68 percent while Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island all have rates of 60 percent or higher. Here, new cases stagnated or were up slightly.

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